Wednesday, May 22, 2019

                    AN ACCIDENT REPORT

Prepared By   : Muhamad Fitri Bin Nur Muzhuari / Khairul / Mokhtar
Prepared For  : Puan Ardania Bt Ayub
Date               :

    1.1 Definition Of Accident
An accident, also known as an unintentional act, is an undesirable, incidental, and an unplanned event that could have been prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence. Most scientists who study unintentional injury avoid using the term “accident” and focus on factors that increases risk of severe injury and that reduce injury incidence and severity.
1.2 Types Of Accident
Near miss accident is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage but had the potential to do so. Sometimes called a “near hit” or “close call”  signals a system weakness that, if not corrected, could lead to significant consequences in future.
    1.3 Location ( where)
        In the factory workplace
    1.4 Description Of Accident

2.0 Findings
2.1 Explain what are the cause for accident and picture
2.2 Effects on workers / employer

  • Not wearing a safety boots

The worker might injured his head

  • Play and joke during work

They definitely will cause an accident

  • Smoking at workplace

The place will be on fire or blow out/explode

  • Did not use a safety hones

Not wearing personal safety equipment.

Will fall down from high place

The accident will occurred and will have major injury.

     Not wearing safety helmet

Accident might l happen and their head is not well protected and it will cause a serious injury.

3.0 Conclusion

As a conclusion, we need to pay attention to our working environment and take any safety precautions in order to make us safe. It is very important to wearing or using any Personal Protective equipment. Make sure we follow the SOP and any written safety signage.

4.0 Recommendation
    4.1 The Importance of PPE
- PPE is equipment that will protect workers against health or safety risks on the job. The purpose is to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective to reduce these risks to acceptable levels. These hazard risks can be anything from wet floors to falling debris and everything in between. PPE includes items such as protective helmets, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear, safety harnesses and, sometimes, respiratory protective equipment. Let’s explore some PPE commonly used on construction sites and their benefits:

  1. Head Protection

  • They are designed to protect against flying or falling objects that would otherwise impact or penetrate the worker. Some hard hats are equipped with accessories such as face shields and earmuffs. Hard hats should be well-fitted; those that are too large or too small are inappropriate for use.

  1. Eye And Face Protection


  • Eye and face protection are equally as important as head protection. Safety goggles, spectacles and full face shields can give you the protection needed for the eyes and face. Metal work, wood-work, hot-work and air-tool operations all require this type of protection. General laborers can also benefit from safety goggles since there is usually debris on construction sites.

  1. Respiratory Protection

  • Respiratory protection is vital on sites where toxic substances are present. Sometimes what you can’t see can hurt you. Respiratory protections like respirators are designed to protect you from dust, fumes, paint spray, pesticides and other dangerous substances that could cause permanent impairment. Respiratory protection should be used in environments with air contaminants. In work environments, respirators are relied upon when adequate ventilation is unavailable or other engineering control systems are not feasible or inadequate.

  1. Hand And Skin Protection

  • Occupational skin diseases such as contact dermatitis, skin cancers, and other skin injuries and infections are the second most common type of occupational disease and can be very costly. Because a lot of work is done with the hands, gloves are an essential item in providing skin protection. Some examples of gloves commonly used as PPE include rubber gloves, cut-resistant gloves, chainsaw gloves and heat-resistant gloves. Using gloves helps to avoid hazards usually involved when working with chemicals, glass, sheet metal, electricity, hot materials or slippery objects.

  1. Hearing Protection

  • NIOSH recommends that worker exposures to noise be reduced to a level equivalent to 85 dBA for eight hours to reduce occupational noise-induced hearing loss. Earplugs and earmuffs are common hearing protection tools. It is important to note that earmuffs are more effective in reducing high-frequency noise while earplugs are more effective for reducing low-frequency noise.

  • Using PPE, and wearing it properly, is vital to avoid unnecessary injury in the workplace. Choosing not to wear PPE can be dangerous especially when it could save your life. Never hesitate to ask temporary staffing agencies if they have the necessary PPE. Safety is important and having an understanding of these various protection devices can help to prevent hazardous injury.

4.2 Safety Signage ( signs, symbols, and colour)

  • To prevent injury
  • To ensure the workers are well aware of the possible dangers and hazards ahead.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Repair air conditioning in the chamber room

Repair air conditioning in the chamber room

Hi all, today I will share my refinement repair of air conditioning in IKM examination room. I helped some of my friends to repair the air conditioner. I am very grateful to Mr. Syamsul for giving me the confidence of my group to repair air conditioning. Despite being tired I was very satisfied because the air conditioner unit could be repaired perfectly. I hope that the universe will come to experience like this

Grace Awards IKM Kuala Lumpur

Grace Awards IKM Kuala Lumpur

Hi all, today I share my experience of gaining awards in IKM Kuala lumpur .Thank you very much to the IKM who held this majeure for the youngest students of IKM. I did not forget about the lecturers who gave me a lot of guidance to become successful students.this awards award program is also being devised to educate IKM students in a more holistic way in the area of their skills. I hope that this mystery will be preserved by every universe and will serve the nearest family and friends



Hello gyus, today i want to shere about intervew,The word interview comes from Latin and middle French words meaning to “see between” or “see each other”. Generally, an interview means a private meeting between people when questions are asked and answered. The person who answers the questions of an interview is called in the interviewer. The person who asks the questions of our interview is called an interviewer. It suggests a meeting between two persons for the purpose of getting a view of each other or for knowing each other. When we normally think of an interview, we think a setting in which an employer tries to size up an applicant for a job.

So, an interview is formal meetings between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information, qualities, attitudes, wishes etc. Form the interviewee.

What is interview? Types of interviews


The word interview comes from Latin and middle French words meaning to “see between” or “see each other”. Generally, an interview means a private meeting between people when questions are asked and answered. The person who answers the questions of an interview is called in the interviewer. The person who asks the questions of our interview is called an interviewer. It suggests a meeting between two persons for the purpose of getting a view of each other or for knowing each other. When we normally think of an interview, we think a setting in which an employer tries to size up an applicant for a job.
So, an interview is formal meetings between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information, qualities, attitudes, wishes etc. Form the interviewee.
What is interview


There are many types of interviews that an organization can arrange. It depends on the objectives of taking the interview. Some important types of interviews are stated below:

  1. Personal interviews: Personal interviews include:
  1. Selection of the employees
  2. Promotion of the employees
  3. Retirement and resignation of the employees
Of course, this type of interview is designed to obtain information through discussion and observation about how well the interviewer will perform on the job.

    2. Evaluation interviews: The interviews which take place annually to review the progress of the interviewee are called the evaluation interviews. Naturally, it is occurring between superiors and subordinates. The main objective of this interview is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the employees.

    3. Persuasive interviews:

This type of interview is designed to sell someone a product or an idea. When a sales representative talk with a target buyer, persuasion takes the form of convincing the target that the product or idea meets a need.

   4. Structured interviews:

Structured interviews tend to follow formal procedures; the interviewer follows a predetermined agenda or questions.

   5.Unstructured interviews:
When the interview does not follow the formal rules or procedures. It is called an unstructured interview. The discussion will probably be free-flowing and may shift rapidly form on subject to another depending on the interests of the interviewee and the interviewer.

    Appointment MPP at IKM Kuala lumpur

    Appointment MPP at IKM Kuala Lumpur

    Hello guys, today i want to share about my experian appointmen MPP at IKM Kuala Lumpur, ok goys i want to share defenation of leader. A leader is "a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal". 

    1. Person

    Is leadership a position of office or authority? Or, is leadership an ability in the sense that he is a leader because he leads? We all may know or hear of people who are in positions of leadership but who are not providing leadership. A position of office is no guarantee of leadership but it helps in the sense that a leadership position usually commands a listening ear from its people and that is a good starting point for anyone who desires to be a leader. 

    A leader by its meaning is one who goes first and leads by example, so that others are motivated to follow him. This is a basic requirement. To be a leader, a person must have a deep-rooted commitment to the goal that he will strive to achieve it even if nobody follows him!

    Joshua was such a man. He was publicly appointed to succeed Moses (Num 27:12-23). The goal was to lead the Hebrews cross over the Jordan and take the land (Josh 1:1-2) ... and that was he what he did. In his old age, there remained much land to be possessed. In Josh 24:15, Joshua summoned all Israel to gather at Shechem and challenged them to serve the Lord, putting before them his commitment ... "... choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 

    A requirement for leadership is personal vision - the ability to visualize your goal as an accomplished fact; a thing already achieved.

    "The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet."  Theodore M. Hesburgh

    How do you become a leader with a purpose? You need guidance (Prov 3:5-6) and you will get it through meditation on the Word of God.

       3. People

     The next requirement is the realization that the goal cannot be achieved alone, without the help of others. Is there a natural grouping of people from whom you can elicit help? Or do you have to recruit your followers? In the latter, you face a greater challenge. But whatever the situation, the leader must integrate his (or the organization's) goal with his followers’ personal goals and then communicates this goal in such a way that they embrace it too and the goal becomes a common goal.

    To be a leader, one must have followers. To have followers, one must have their trust. How do you win their trust? Why would others trust you? Most important, are you worthy of their trust?

    He who thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk.  Anonymous

    Why are some individuals more effective than others at influencing people?  Effectiveness in leadership has been attributed to (1) persuasion skills, (2) leadership styles and (3) personal attributes of the leader. We will explore these further in another article or two. Now, we will consider one critical element of leadership (influence) - love for people.

    When Moses encountered two Hebrews fighting with each other, he tried to act as a peacemaker but they turned on him and questioned his authority over them, "Who made you ruler and judge over us?" (Exo 2:13-14). Yet some 40 years later, the Hebrews came to Moses with all their disputes and problems that he was kept busy from morning till evening (Exo 18:13-16). What had changed? Among many things, Moses led the Hebrews across the Red Sea and when the people could not drink the bitter water, Moses cried out to the Lord for a solution (Exo 15:22-25). What had not changed was Moses' identification with the Hebrews and his love for them.

    vedio resume

    video resume

    Hello guys today iwant to shere about video resume. do you know wahat is video resume?

    A video resume is a brief account of a job applicant's professional experience, qualifications and interests, submitted to a prospective employer in video form. With simple edits on a computer, the candidate can direct and customize his video message to a particular employer and tailor his video resume for a specific job opening. The advantage of a video resume is that it allows a potential employee to demonstrate his public speaking, inter-personal, creative or technical skills to a potential employer in a way that a text-only resume can not.

    Recruiters recommend that applicants consider including third parties on the video to talk about the candidate's strengths and accomplishments. They also recommend that before committing time and resources to creating a video version of a resume, the applicant should consider whether an interactive media application is appropriate to an industry. Relatively conservative workplaces in the legal or financial professions, for instance, are likely to be less impressed with a candidate's resume presented in video form than an advertising or fashion design firm. The most successful video resumes feature short, to-the-point answers, superior editing skills and often a dash of humor.

    Video resumes have existed for decades, and have been historically created and distributed physically using VHS tapes and, eventually, burned DVDs. The emergence of YouTube, inexpensive webcams and widespread broadbandInternet access have combined to dramatically reinvent this form of media, resulting in thousands of applicants recording and uploading videos. Both employers and applicants can save significant recruitment and travel costs by adopting the use of video resumes. A good video resume can elevate a candidate over other applicants. Poorly produced or conceived videos, however, can potentially ruin an applicant's chances for employment.

    To record a video resume, a job seeker can simply connect a webcam to a computer or use a hand-held video camera. He can either upload the file to YouTube or to an employment Web site that specializes in hosting and serving video resumes. The applicant can link to his resume in an email or other electronic document or he can place the video on a personal Web site, blog or social networking profile.


    Assalamualaikum  hye guys , welcome back to blogger . For about New Years at 2019 . I'm continue semester 2 English NUE 2121 at IKMKL   . For unit 1 , I study about to find a job  make cover letter and resume before to interview at company place. Firstly you have make a resume about you background.  For Example:-

    The following are some of the more common résumé formats

    •  What Is a Resume
    A resume is a one- or two-page formal document that job hopefuls submit to hiring managers and employment recruiters as a means of itemizing their work experience, educational background, and special skills. Successful resumes entice potential employers to invite applicants to interview for the position. Resumes are traditionally accompanied by cover letters, in which applicants champion their relevant skills and tout their specific qualifications for a given position.
    • Understanding Resumes
    Typically required for applying to white-collar positions, resumes enable recruiters to screen out applicants who lack the skills needed to effectively occupy roles. Successful resumes highlight specific accomplishments applicants have achieved in former positions, such as cutting costs, transcending sales goals, increasing profits, and building out teams. 
    • Requirements of Resumes
    Resume structures traditionally begin with one or two lines that detail an applicant’s career goals and highlight the industry in which he or she seeks employment. This is generally followed by a candidate’s job history, beginning with his or her current or most recent position, followed by a chronological list of previously held positions, with the older jobs placed toward the bottom of the page.

    [Important: Because employers reading your resume may have a short attention span or may have stacks of resumes to read through, it's vital to make sure the first third of the page is as clean and attention-grabbing as possible.]

    Recruiters examine job histories for significant employment gaps or patterns of briefly-held positions that might flag an applicant's inability to sustain employment over the long haul. Some human resources professionals recommend eliminating the oldest positions, to make room to highlight newer positions that emphasize more relevant skills. This is particularly true for a high-tech company seeking to assemble cutting edge, technology-forward teams. In fact, less relevant legacy skills may even detract from a resume, by subconsciously implying a candidate’s obsolescence. In other words, the most powerful resumes underline how an applicant can thrive in a specific role.

    Friday, November 23, 2018

    Activities Week

    At the activities week .  I join football and Futsal at Institut kemahiran mara kuala lumpur a tournament (SPekma)at Lenggong ,kuala kangsar ,Perak . Date 11- 23 September 2018 . at 11  September I started playing futsal until the semi-finals and we lost and got third place. and the futsal team got bronze.


    Hye , I always join event motorcycle .This event at Bukit Merah Laketown Perak Resort I have motorcyle RS 150 Ride to Bukit Merah .this event at 6/10/2018 Event Santai Anak Utara. 

    Wednesday, November 21, 2018


              Let me introduce myself . My name is Muhamad Fitri Bin Nur Muzhuari from IKMKL . Today I would like to give a speech about I read I work . Before that , I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty , Who has given us mercy and blessing , so we can meet together in this blessing place . Good Afternoon Teacher Ardania and all my good friend. Today I want to present about my speech is title about bullying what is bullying?
          Bullying is something that 1 in 2 people under 25 will experience in their lifetime. There is no singular definition of bullying because it comes in all shapes, sizes and subtleties. Despite the varied nature of bullying, here are a few things you should know that will help to you identify it, and hopefully understand it a little better. No one is born a bully – true story. Bullying is a learnt behavior and not an innate characteristic of anyone.
            After that bullycide the fact is it is thought that one in ten children are bullied at school .Almost twice the number then a decade ago . Bullying has effects for both the bully and the victim. The first effect of bullying is that the perpetrator has a high likelihood of becoming a delinquent and finally a serious criminal. This tendency emanates from the repeated pattern of bullying that graduates the perpetrator from a bully to a hardcore delinquency. The second effect is that bullying puts the bully at risk of abusing drugs and thus become a school dropout. The third effect is that bullying puts the victim and the perpetrator at the risk of experiencing depression. As Mishna (2004) asserts “bullies and victims tend to experience depression more than their peers who have not been involved in bullying, which can lead to academic problems, frequent absences from school, loneliness, and social isolation.”

             Let me conclude with a wish a wish and prayer for you . May God send long . Cherished blessing your way today . May he open unexpected doors of opportunity. May you find things close to your hearts restored to you . Then you will be like “men who dreamed” and your “mouths be filled with laughter and your tongues with songs of joy” . That all from me today , thank you.


      Hye Assalamualaikum ,
    Today i want present about diolague's team about introduction with my friend:

    At Cafe Institut Kemahiran Mara Kuala Lumpur

    Fitri : Hi , Good Evening guys

    Khai/Sharil : Hi, Good Evening you to.

    Fitri : What is your name ?

    Khai : My name is khairul , you can call me khai

    Fitri : Where are you from ?

    Khai : I from Selangor , I Live Rawang .

    Fitri : You learn what the cost.

    Khai : I learn welding cost

    Fitri : And You , What is Your name ?

    Shahril : My name is Muhammad Shahril and you can call me Shahril

    Khai : Where are you from ?

    Shahril : I stay at Kajang .. but ... my village at Perak , Kuala Kangsar

    Fitri : Ouh , After this  we can back home together .

    Shahril : Hey, How about You ,what your name?

    Fitri : Me?, My name is Muhammad Fitri ,  You can Call me Fit . I Live at Perak,Bota
             Wait, I want to see my clock.. The time rest is over

    Shahril/Khai : Alright, bye , see you soon after class

    Fitri : Assalamualaikum

    Shahril/ Khai : Waalaikumsalam

                        AN ACCIDENT REPORT Prepared By   : Muhamad Fitri Bin Nur Muzhuari / Khairul / Mokhtar Prepared For  : Puan Ardania...